You might have started out with a shared vision for the company that you were going to grow together.
But the stress and tension of being a couple in a business partner relationship can become overwhelming.

Many people wonder, can couples work together successfully and maintain both the personal and professional partnerships?
Balancing both roles can be a challenge, with little opportunity to release that stress.
You might feel like you need to step out of the business partnership to ease the challenges in your home life. Alternatively, I can help you navigate these difficulties and nurture your relationship.
The Additional Challenges You Face As A Couple

As a couple, you face the challenge of your cofounder disputes straying into your home dynamic.
Unlike most others, you don’t get to leave the work issues at work or the home issues at home. It’s important to establish boundaries to prevent this from happening, and manage your time carefully so that one of you remains engaged with home or work if there is a particular demand in that area. Investing in your home life is essential, as it provides the foundation for your business partnership.
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My Approach

Using proven methodologies, I create a structured approach tailored to meet your specific needs.
A form of couples therapy for business partners, I bring together over 30 years of experience as a therapist and coach to support you as you work to find balance in your relationship.

Entrepreneurial Couple Coaching
Many couples face challenges balancing the demands of their personal and professional commitments. Seeking help will be your first step to tackling these cofounder conflicts and finding long-lasting solutions.

- Establish clearer boundaries between your work and home life.
- Develop greatter work management skills to handle the potential overload.
- Reach a greater understanding of cooperative working as a couple.

Your business should be a positive part of your life, and if work challenges are affecting your relationship directly too, then it can be difficult to untangle.
My additional business partner support and guidance can equip you with the solutions you need to make it work.
Sunny Sabbini, M.A.
(415) 895-0786
San Francisco Bay Area
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